HEY! So I’ve been reading some books.

After finishing Elle I got to read the first McSweeney’s of my new subscription, McSweeney’s 37. It had an unusual shape which was cool:

The only problem as on the inside cover it had a large sleeve to contain a minibooklet, which was 4 chapters of John Sayles’ (the director and also author I guess) book A Moment in the Sun. The sleeve made the whole structure uneven, and the glue came loose in the spinal area. I was annoyed by that.

The good news was that I really enjoyed all the stuff inside the sleeve and the rest of it. I really liked Sayles’ stories of Chilkoot pass during the Yukon gold rush, and I want now to read the whole book, which has many narratives spanning across the U.S. in the year 1899. The book is also beautiful, I saw it displayed in a local bookstore rather prominently and it’s a huge brown tome with really stylized writing in the front.

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